
Massage has always played a major role in Ayurvedic healing. It cleanses and vitalises the body without causing a build up of toxins in the body as the herbal infused oils used during the massage help to expel and neutralise the toxins. After an Abhyanga massage you will feel more energetic, relaxed, calm and refreshed.

Benefits of Abhyanga

Promotes proper growth and development of the internal organs

• Helpfull for sleep disorders and relaxation

• Promotes circulation

• Delays the Aging Process

• Counters fatigue

• Increases stamina

• Strengthens the skin

• Improves digestion


It is considered a therapeutic and rejuvenating treatment for stabilising the state of the mind and body, whilst bringing them in harmony together, effectively working to correct the imbalances at the physical, mental and emotional level. It is performed by pouring a relaxing and gentle flow of herbal infused oil on the scalp, forehead.

Benefits of Shirodhara

• To stabilise and calm the mind

• Rejuvenates the mind and body

• Harmonises the functioning of the senses

• Best treatment for stress, anxiety and nervousness

• For insomnia and interrupted sleep

• Suppressed emotions

• Anger and frustration

• Provides hormonal balance

• Improves heart functioning

• Used for eye disorders. May improve eyesight.

• For migraines and chronic headaches

• Energy is channeled through the chakras

• May assist in depression, loss of memory, fatigue, tiredness, mental exhaustion and obesity.

Kati Basti

This is a is a soothing treatment where a large amount of warm herbal infused oil  is maintained on your lower back at a certain temperature allowing absorption into muscles and tissues to relieve pain, stiffness and inflammation targeting musculoskeletal disorders specially in the lower back, sciatica and disc issues.

Benefits of Kati Basti

• This treatment promotes blood flow to the affected area which increases the healing process.

• Relieves stiffness caused by immobilisation.

• Prevents atrophy and tightening of the surrounding muscles resulting from inactivity.

Kizzali Bolus

This type of massage is done using a pouch (bolus) containing a mixture of fresh and dried herbs dipped in medicated oil to treat chronic and deep-seated muscles, bone & nervous disorders. After this treatment, a herbalised steam is given at a specific temperature that helps to open the channels and flush the toxins from the body.

Benefits of Kizzali

• Rheumatoid Arthritis

• Osteopathy

• Joint pain

• Chronic fatigue and tiredness

• Arthritis, Rheumatism, Fibromyalgia and Muscular Dystrophy